About WorldKind

Our Mission: Design. Journey. Learn.
Our Vision . . .
Educational travel & eLearning experiences have the power to help transform lives and build a more collaborative, compassionate, and kinder world. WorldKind exists to serve others by designing online, in-person, and on-the-ground learning experiences. Together, we aim to help people learn while traveling ethically AND by making opportunities for learning and development more accessible across the world through eLearning.
A "Public Benefit" Company . . .
WorldKind is recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a Public Benefit Limited Liability Company (PBLLC)* because our team creates general public benefit by supporting learning and development projects across the world. Although WorldKind is headquartered in Harrisburg, PA, U.S.A, our team is global stretching from Dundee, Scotland to Austin, TX.
A Women-Owned and Women-Led Small Business. . .
WorldKind is registered with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as a “Women-Owned Small Business" and is proudly led by these excellent women.
The Team Behind the Traveler Trainer PROgram
You can see our mission most clearly in the Traveler Trainer PROgram we've created along with a team of experts including international educators, instructional designers, travel health and safety professionals, legal experts, environmentalists, and other academics drawn together from many different subject matter areas. We're grateful to this team of professionals along with many awesome university students who helped design, vet, and test the program.
Ask us for help . . .
Finally, if you need help creating more collaborative, inclusive, and kinder spaces that make learning more accessible for everyone, visit our learning experience design services website to learn more about partnering on other projects to design "world-kind" learning experiences.