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This month . . . 

Select the image to the right to play "Travel Bingo" and learn more about the "Slow Travel" movement.

Traveling and studying abroad from the U.S. almost always requires long-distance international flights. Since these unavoidable flights are not environmentally friendly, we can engage in carbon offsetting, but that only goes so far.

As part of encouraging sustainable travel, we're developing a climate pledge that students can opt into joining. Once students arrive in their host countries, we encourage them to use "aviation alternative" transportation modes that are more carbon-light than short-haul flights during independent travel times. So we developed a visual comparison tool based on a familiar travel game to help them learn more about each mode!

Introducing Travel Bingo! This easy-to-use tool is designed to help you discover the carbon footprint of various modes of transport - from flying to biking. Whether you’re planning a trip around the world or a commute to work, make your journey an environmentally friendly game!

SDG Trivia Wheel

Spin our "SDG Trivia Wheel" and learn more about the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Select the image to be taken to the game. 
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This month . . .

Take a sneak peek inside our newest module - Accessibility Abroad - and sample two resources from inside the module: 

Accessibility Workbook

This comprehensive workbook accompanying the Accessibility Abroad module is a step-by-step guide that helps students navigate their own preparation journey by tailoring module lessons to their particular needs. Starting with accommodations and needs they have at home, students compile a record of their needs that can then be used in discussions with university advisors.

Our goal is to empower students with this 
multi-step module and workbook to become more proactive in anticipating and advocating for their needs


"Culture Clash" Story Map

The Traveler Trainer PROgram (TTP) follows a group of students and staff that range in age, origin, and identities on their international adventures. Just like your students, they come with differing levels of confidence, concerns, travel experience, disabilities, and health conditions. Their victories and mishaps form the basis of many of the interactive scenarios within the program. If you'd like to meet all of our characters, you can see them in our "WorldKind Yearbook."  

In the Accessibility Abroad module, we focus on five of our characters as they try to navigate their particular disabilities and health concerns. The “Culture Clash” Story Map from the module was designed to give life to the many times when travelers’ disabilities and their host country cultures "clashed." By sharing these stories, we hope to help students prepare by thinking through situations they may not have envisioned before.

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