"Travel Bingo" Carbon Comparison Tool

1. Select each of the different transportation icons on the interactive tool below to compare the carbon emissions of planes, trains, automobiles, and more.
2. Download "Travel Bingo" cards to use on your next journey. Play along and mark off all the different "aviation alternative" modes you try on your trip. Try at least one mode from each T-R-A-V-E-L category to get bingo. Each journey is a story, so use the card to remember your transportation adventures and to remind you to share those stories with others.
2. Download "Travel Bingo" cards to use on your next journey. Play along and mark off all the different "aviation alternative" modes you try on your trip. Try at least one mode from each T-R-A-V-E-L category to get bingo. Each journey is a story, so use the card to remember your transportation adventures and to remind you to share those stories with others.

Travel Bingo Card
1. Select each of the different transportation icons on the interactive tool below to compare the carbon emissions of planes, trains, automobiles, and more.
2. Download "Travel Bingo" cards to use on your next journey. Play along and mark off all the different "aviation alternative" modes you try on your trip. Try at least one mode from each T-R-A-V-E-L category to get bingo. Each journey is a story, so use the card to remember your transportation adventures and to remind you to share those stories with others.
2. Download "Travel Bingo" cards to use on your next journey. Play along and mark off all the different "aviation alternative" modes you try on your trip. Try at least one mode from each T-R-A-V-E-L category to get bingo. Each journey is a story, so use the card to remember your transportation adventures and to remind you to share those stories with others.
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