The WorldKind Foundation Supports

"Keep Our Sand & Sea
Plastic Free" 

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Did you know that 95% of the sea and beach waste across the Mediterranean comes from plastics that are a particular threat to ocean flora and fauna? In fact, the Mediterranean Sea has one of the world's highest levels of plastic contamination. If we want to preserve the beautiful beaches of Cyprus and the Mediterranean Sea for future generations, then the time to act is now. 

So, we're supporting CSTI (read more about their organization below) to help "Keep Our Sand & Sea Plastic Free." This project works across the tourism sector to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics so that less enters the waste stream and pollutes the Mediterranean Sea. To learn more about the work they're doing, check it out on CSTI's website HERE.

Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI), is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization that is working to develop a sustainable approach to tourism in Cyprus.

The organization does this by bringing tourism to smaller villages that are often marginalized by mass tourism while also developing ways to minimize the negative socio-economic and environmental effects that tourism often creates. CSTI works to create sustainable development for Cyprus that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”