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Welcome, Case Western Reserve University!

After registering, please go to your webmail.case.edu email and look for the verification email (check your SPAM if you don't see it). Once you verify your email, log into the Academy to start learning.

Meet with your study abroad advisor - make an appointment via MyJourney

Or stop by during Drop In Hours

Tuesdays and Fridays 12:30 - 2:00 PM in Tomlinson 143

Call: +1-216.368.2517
: studyabroad@case.edu

Contact Office of Education Abroad 

Location: Tomlinson Hall, 1st Floor, Suite 143, Cleveland, OH 44106

Hours of Operation: 9-5, advising drop-in Tues & Fri 12.30-2pm
Contact Info: +1-216.368.2517, studyabroad@case.edu

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